Our authors

Our Books
More than 875 authors
from all continents

Historical Origins of International Criminal Law
Historical Origins of
International Criminal Law

Philosophical Foundations of
International Criminal Law

Policy Brief Series

Four-page briefs on policy challenges in international law

Quality Control
An online library

Our Chinese and Indian authors

TOAEP has published more than 90 Chinese and Indian authors

Art and the ‘politics
of reconciliation’

Integrity in international justice
Online library on integrity in international justice

Power in international justice
Online library on power in international justice

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Research agenda

As the list of FICHL activities and the scope of its publishing indicate, FICHL has developed clusters of research areas. Its independent research agenda is dynamic and not limited to international criminal and humanitarian law. Importantly, FICHL has pioneered several research questions by being the first actor to identify, frame and place the issues concerned in the academic discourse. Such incubation of ideas is essential to advance knowledge and impact institutional practise. To maximise its contribution to the public interest, FICHL pursues its research agenda in an open, inclusive manner that invites the broadest possible participation by interested individuals and institutions. It promotes communitarian knowledge-generation around the ideas and concepts it brings to the public domain.

Some of the FICHL research areas to date are:

  • history of international criminal law;
  • criteria and prioritization of core international crimes cases;
  • abbreviated criminal procedures for core international crimes;
  • the role and capacity of national criminal justice for core international crimes;
  • the concept of 'active complementarity', and the role of legal informatics in strengthening the capacity of criminal justice institutions;
  • thematic prosecution of core international crimes;
  • proof and selection of international sex crimes for prosecution;
  • the role of law in peace negotiations;
  • the socio-economic context of core international crimes;
  • the self-interest of armed forces in accountability for their members for core international crimes; and
  • the role and power of NGOs in international criminal justice.



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CILRAP Conversations

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CILRAP Conversations
on World Order

M.C. Bassiouni Justice Award

M.C. Bassiouni Justice Award

CILRAP Podcast

CILRAP Podcast

Our Books
An online library

Islám and accountability
Online library on Islám and accountability

An online library