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from all continents

Historical Origins of International Criminal Law
Historical Origins of
International Criminal Law

Philosophical Foundations of
International Criminal Law

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Four-page briefs on policy challenges in international law

Quality Control
An online library

Our Chinese and Indian authors

TOAEP has published more than 90 Chinese and Indian authors

Art and the ‘politics
of reconciliation’

Integrity in international justice
Online library on integrity in international justice

Power in international justice
Online library on power in international justice

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The Forum aims to identify, frame and host discourses on key issues in international criminal and humanitarian law, transitional justice and in law more widely. Through its activities the Forum aspires to academic excellence and creativity, drawing on contributions by legal academics and practitioners, government officials, NGO representatives, philosophers, social scientists and others. It promotes an open and communitarian approach to scholarship.

The Forum acts independently of states, international organizations, state and private universities and research institutes, donors, NGOs and other actors. The orientation and scope of its activities are global and not limited to any country or region. Although the primary language of Forum activities is English, its perspective is by no means limited to the Anglosphere.

Actors wishing to co-operate with the Forum may propose joint events for consideration. Curiosity, a will to challenge the established framing of issues, and a practical sense of community needs should guide the formulation of the agenda. Forum events are driven by the topicality and scholarly or practical potential of the issues addressed. Particular emphasis is placed on weak links in institutional practice.




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CILRAP Conversations
on World Order

M.C. Bassiouni Justice Award

M.C. Bassiouni Justice Award

CILRAP Podcast

CILRAP Podcast

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Islám and accountability
Online library on Islám and accountability

An online library