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Richard Dicker, Director of Human Rights Watch’s International Justice Program since the program’s beginning in 2001; graduate of New York University Law School, LLM from Columbia University. He then spent two years practicing civil rights law in New York. For the past sixteen years, he has worked for HRW, where he first focused on accountability issues in southern Africa and arbitrary detention in China. In 1994-95, Mr. Dicker led HRW’s efforts to bring a case before the International Court of Justice charging the government of Iraq with genocide against the Kurds. Starting in 1995, he directed HRW’s multi-year campaign to establish the ICC. He represented HRW in the ICC negotiations. He has led advocacy efforts urging the creation of effective domestic accountability mechanisms in the DRC and the former Yugoslavia. He has made several visits to those states to meet with officials and NGOs. Richard Dicker’s views appear frequently in the press on international justice issues.

Christopher K. Hall, Columbia College in New York City (1972); University of Chicago Law School (1978); Associate at Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson in New York City (1978 to 1982) (extensive pro bono litigation on behalf of Haitian and Cuban refugees); Instructor (1982-1983) and Adjunct Professor (1983-1984) at the University of Miami School of Law from 1982 to 1984; Associate at Kurzban, Kurzban & Weinger in Miami (1983-1984); Assistant Attorney General of the State of New York (1984-1990); Legal Adviser (1990 to 2004) and Senior Legal Adviser, International Justice Project (since 2004), International Secretariat, Amnesty International, London.

Carla Ferstman is the Director of REDRESS, an organization which supports survivors’ efforts to obtain justice and reparation. She is the informal coordinator of the NGO Coalition for an International Criminal Court's Victims’ Rights Working Group, and is a member of the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office's Expert Panel on Torture. She originally practiced as a criminal law barrister in Canada and has worked on human rights and post-conflict issues for the past 11 years. She has an LL.B. from the University of British Columbia and an LL.M. from New York University.

Gilbert Bitti, Senior Legal Adviser to the Pre-Trial Division, ICC; Member of the French Delegation during the ICC negotiations in the Ad Hoc Committee (1995), Preparatory Committee (1996-1998), Rome Conference (1998) and Preparatory Commission (1999-2002); Counsel of the French Government before the European Court of Human Rights (1993-2002); former Professor assistant at the Faculty of Law in Paris.
Antoine Bernard has been Executive Director of FIDH since 1995. Having completed his DEA in public international law in 1988, he was a consultant for legal research centres at the Faculty of Law in Paris and for the UN Centre for Human Rights. He was Associate Professor 1993-1999 at the Institute of Doctorate Studies of the Faculty of Law in Paris. Since 2005 he has been Associate Professor at Paris II-Panthéon/Assas, and he is also co-organiser of the ENA training in Democratisation and Human Rights. He has published extensively in the area of international law.


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