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Anabela Atanásio Alves, LL.B. (Hons) LL.M. (LSE and SOAS), Senior Policy Officer at the Hague Institute for the Internationalisation of Law; former Legal Adviser to the Presidency and Chambers, ICC; former Legal Adviser to Chambers, ICTY; Ph.D. Candidate (Cologne University).

Olympia Bekou, Expert Legal Advisor to the International Criminal Justice Unit, Human Rights Law Centre, and Lecturer in Law, University of Nottingham. 

Morten Bergsmo, Senior Researcher, International Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO) (2006-); formerly Senior Legal Adviser and Chief of the Legal Advisory Section, Office of the Prosecutor, ICC (2002-05); Legal Adviser, ICTY (1994-2002); Legal Adviser, UN Commission of Experts for the Former Yugoslavia established pursuant to UNSC resolution 780 (1992) (1993-94); represented the ICTY to the UN negotiation process to establish the ICC (1996-2002). He has advised core international crimes investigation and prosecution processes in several countries, including Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cambodia, Canada, Denmark, Indonesia, Macedonia, the Netherlands and Serbia, and has had several international consultancies in international criminal justice. He has published extensively in international criminal law.

Gilbert Bitti, Senior Legal Adviser to the Pre-Trial Division, ICC (2005-); Chair, ICC Legal Tools Advisory Committee (2005-); Member of the French Delegation during the ICC negotiations in the Ad Hoc Committee (1995), Preparatory Committee (1996-1998), Rome Conference (1998) and Preparatory Commission (1999-2002); Counsel of the French Government before the European Court of Human Rights (1993-2002); former Professor assistant at the Faculty of Law in Paris.

Enrique Carnero Rojo is Legal Adviser in the ICC Office of the Prosecutor, Legal Advisory Section. He has been Secretary of the Legal Tools Advisory Committee since its inception. He has formerly worked for the ICTY Office of the Prosecutor. He has published a number of articles in international criminal law.

Wolfgang Form, Project Coordinator of the International Research and Documentations Center for War Crimes Trials, Marburg; Lecturer, Institute for Political Science and Center for conflict studies at the University of Marburg.

Ralph Hecksteden, lawyer and Research Assistant of the Institute of Informatics and Law (IFRI) at the University of Saarland/ Germany; technical developer of the Case Matrix Database.

Maximilian Herberger, member of the ICC Legal Tools Expert Advisory Group; Professor in Civil Law, Theory of Law and Computing in the Law at the University of Saarland/Germany; Director of the Institute of Informatics and Law (IFRI); President of the German Association for Computing in the Judiciary; Editor of the Internet Journal on Computers and Law “JurPC” (www.jurpc.de); “Professeur associé” at University of Luxembourg; and a member of the Advisory Board of the European Academy of eJustice in Merzig/Germany.

Emilie Hunter, Director of International Criminal Justice Unit and Acting Coordinator of the Human Rights Law Centre, University of Nottingham. 

Salim A. Nakhjavani, Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University of Cape Town (2006-); Lecturer in Law, King’s College (2005-06); Project co-ordinator, St Ethelburg’s Centre for Reconciliation and Peace (2005-06); Associate Human Rights Officer, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (2005); and Assistant Legal Adviser, ICC Office of the Prosecutor (2003-04).

Klaus Rackwitz, Senior Administrative Manager, ICC Office of the Prosecutor (2003-); Senior Information and Evidence Adviser, ICC (2003); Judge, North Rhein-Westphalia, Germany (1990-); Head of Government Division on information technology, Ministry of Justice, State of North Rhine-Westphalia (1996-2003) – Chair, federal and states commission on IT in the German judiciary (a subsidiary body of the conference of ministers of justice of the states and the federal government of Germany); Head of Government Section, Ministry of Justice and European Affairs, State of Brandenburg (1994-96); Judge, Court Administration, Court of Appeals in Düsseldorf (1993-94); Judge, County Court of Krefeld and the City Court of Nettetal (1990-93); University Teacher, Universities of Cologne and Düsseldorf (1990-94).

Christian Ranheim, Director of the ICC Legal Tools Programme at the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights (2006-); Legal Adviser at the Indonesia Programme, NCHR (2003-2006); Head of District Office, Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission (2002-03); Co-founder and Director of the Judicial System Monitoring Programme in East Timor (2001-02); Protection Officer, UNHCR, Sarajevo (2000).

Astrid Reisinger Coricani, Lecturer, Institute for International Law and International Relations, University of Graz; Executive Director, Salzburg Law School on International Criminal Law, Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law (Austria).

Ilia Utmelidze, Legal Adviser in the Human Rights Department of the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina, advising on institution-building in areas such as domestic war crimes prosecution mechanisms (including the development of a national strategy for war crimes prosecution), specialised investigative commissions for Srebrenica and Sarajevo, establishment of a single state-level ombudsman institution (2004-); Norwegian Refugee Council, Azerbaijan: capacity building of local NGOs in the field of human rights protection and advocacy; consultant on development of human rights education and peace programs within the educational system of Azerbaijan (2001-04); Norwegian Centre for Human Rights: minority policy and law research project (2000-01).

William H. Wiley, Iraqi High Tribunal (2006-present); United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (2005-06); ICC (2003-05); ICTR (2001-02); ICTY (2000-01, 2002-03); Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Office, Department of Justice of Canada (1997-99).


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